报告题目:Variable Screening for Several Varying Coefficient Models with Ultrahigh-Dimensional Survival Data
报告时间:2022年4月20日下午 15 :30
会议 ID:742-436-631
现为《数理统计与管理》主编,以及《统计与决策》、Journal of Systems Science and Complexity、Statistics and Its Interface、Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics等期刊的编委,科学出版社《数学大辞典》数理统计篇编委,中国第二届数学名词审定委员会委员,《中国大百科全书》第三版统计学科副主编,《中国大百科全书》第三版数学学科编委兼数理统计学分支主编。曾任中国概率统计学会副理事长,《中国科学,数学》等期刊编委,国际华人统计协会(ICSA)Program Committee Member(2018-2020),国际华人统计协会(ICSA) Membership Committee Co-Chair(2020-2021)。
摘要:In this talk, we develop variable screening methods for several varying coefficient hazards models, including varying coefficient additive hazards model, varying coefficient Cox model, and the varying coefficient hazards models of single-index form. The proposed methods enjoy the sure screening property, and some iterative procedures are developed. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performances of the proposed method. Applications to real data examples are also provided.