报告题目:Poisson item count technique with noncompliance
摘要: The Poisson Item Count Technique (PICT) is a survey method that was recently developed to elicit respondents' truthful answers to sensitive questions. It simplifies the well-known item count technique (ICT) by replacing a list of independent innocuous questions in known proportions with a single innocuous counting question. However, ICT and PICT both rely on the strong “no design effect assumption” (i.e., respondents give the same answers to the innocuous items regardless of the absence or presence of the sensitive item in the list) and “no liar” (i.e., all respondents give truthful answers) assumptions. To address the problem of self-protective behavior and provide more reliable analyses, we introduced a noncompliance parameter into the existing PICT. Based on the survey design of PICT, we considered more practical model assumptions and developed the corresponding statistical inferences. Simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of our method. Finally, a real example of automobile insurance fraud was used to demonstrate our method.
吴琴简介:博士,现于华南师范大学统计系工作。曾主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,发表SCI论文7篇,相关研究成果被统计杂志Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Statistic in Medicine,Statistical Papers等杂志收录。